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Bible Studies

Contact: Mr Darryl Spriggs
Email: dspriggs@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Lunchtimes
Room: Various
Who is it for? Different groups for different age groups

Description: Got questions about Jesus or the Bible? Our lunchtime bible study groups meets every week. We pray and work through a book of the bible together – reading a bit, discussing it, and talking about how we can put it in practice in our own lives. It’s led by students for students.


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K-2 Quiet Play

Contact: Miss Rachel Goodacre
Email: rgoodacre@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Friday Lunchtimes
Room: C1 (Kindergarten Classroom)
Who is it for? Kindergarten-Year 2 Students

Description: A quiet place for students to come and do a quiet play activity – colouring in, puzzles, magnetic tiles, pattern blocks and some different activities. So much fun!


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Computer Club

Contact: Mrs Rhonda Zeiler
Email: rzeiler@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Thursday Lunchtimes
Where: A3 (Computer Lab)
Who is it for? Primary Years 4-6

Description: Computer club is a chance for students to extend their classroom learning to become more confident users of computer applications. During the year students will develop projects in ‘Scratch’ and create 3d models in ‘Tinkercad’. There will also be an opportunity for students to experience hands -on coding activities using Edisons, Makey Makeys, Arduinos and EV3s.


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Backgammon Club

Contact: Mr David McPherson
Email: dmcpherson@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Thursday Lunchtimes
Room: D8
Who is it for? Secondary Students

Description: Backgammon is one of the more popular 2-player table games that use an element of strategy and luck to beat your opponent. The game has stood the test of time and is thought to have first been played in Mesopotamia and Persia some 5000 years ago. Backgammon is a fast game where skill is critical to winning, but, unlike chess, the dice add an element of luck that makes the game exciting in its unpredictability.


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Contact: Mrs Colleen McKee
Email: library@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Lunchtimes
Room: Library
Who is it for? All Students


The Library is a fun place at lunchtimes at CCS for both Secondary and Primary students and not just a place to read! We have plenty of fun board games, card games and Lego for everyone to play, build and create. There’s always a jigsaw puzzle in the making and numerous Colouring In sheets to choose from. Lunchtime is also an opportunity for Secondary students to borrow books, catch up on and print school assignments. A place for Secondary and Primary students to come together and enjoy each other’s company over a game of chess or Uno or just conversation.

The best part of Library at lunchtimes is playing Lego – Hamish & Will, Year 1

I like colouring in and playing games with my friends – Clay, Kindergarten

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Music Tuition

Contact: Mrs Kath Spriggs
Email: kathscorner@yahoo.com.au
When: During school hours, by arrangement
Room: A1 (Music Tutorial Room)
Who is it for? Any student wanting to learn an instrument

Description: My name is Kath Spriggs. I am a private music teacher, teaching piano (including AMEB exams), woodwind, strings, Guitar, vocals and music theory. I have been teaching music for 25years and have a particular passion for helping kids learn. Music has a unique way of engaging the whole of the brain and is an activity that can build confidence in a child that will help them in all aspects of life. If you are interested in your child learning an instrument with me, please contact me via my mobile or email. I would love to chat with you about how I can partner with you to further your child’s music education.



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Maths Help

Contact: Dr Greta Gaut
Email: ggaut@ccs.nsw.edu.au
When: Monday 3:10-4pm AND Thursday 12:40-1:20pm
Room: D2
Who is it for? Secondary Students

Description: Maths help is a relaxed and safe space to get an extra hand on all aspects of your maths work. If you didn’t quite understand the content explained in class and would like a chance to have it explained again, drop into Maths help. If you sometimes get stuck on a question set for homework and would like an extra hand getting through your questions, then Maths help is for you. If you just love maths and would like to try your hand at some of the challenge exercises, or you have questions about some of the content you have been discovering on Mathspace, then come to Maths help and talk through your discoveries and challenges. Maths help is for anyone from Yr 7 to Ext 1 Year 12 who wants company on their mathematical journey. Bring your maths textbook, workbook, calculator and a willingness to learn and grow. See you there!


Grow in grace and knowledge.

2 Peter 3:18