Principal’s Address – Term 1 Week 4
Last week the school held a “Meet the Teacher” afternoon as just one of many events we have planned this year. The wonderful P & F team put on a BBQ and the kids had an absolute ball running around, chatting to their friends and showing their families their classrooms, introducing the teacher and demonstrating other individually important things. The parents remarked to many staff that it was a great relaxed night and I especially enjoyed chatting and catching up with our families outside the business and time constraints of the normal school day.
Also, the Parents & Friends Committee is meeting next week on Wednesday, in the Library at 6 pm. The Executive Team and I are excited by the plans and commitment they have to continually build community at our school. All are welcome at these meetings so please come along. We also have a Zoom option for those who can’t make it physically!
And today, Mrs Van Beers and I attended our regular meeting with the Richmond Valley Youth Network. This community network consists of schools, the local council and many other community organisations and supporting bodies. It aims to build opportunities for young people to engage in positive ways in our community and is committed to providing support for all our precious youth.
These events have caused me to pause and be grateful today for the sense of community that exists, both in our individual school, and also in our local community, especially when we consider the last several years and the many difficulties the community has encountered. It truly has brought many people, groups, community members and individuals together, especially in this space.
I often think, with so much technology, and the business of life, that the concept of community sometimes feels distant, a memory of a simpler time. If you were an 80’s kid like me, we reminisce about riding our bikes, going camping, having friends over (in person no less!) and playing outside til dark with our friends and neighbours as part of everyday life.
You may remember that our school vision is to “Honour Christ, build community and grow in grace and knowledge”. But what does it really mean to build community and as a Christian Community, just what does the Bible and Jesus teach us about what makes a good community and binds us together?
His word (the Bible) offers some key insights into the importance of community, and how to foster meaningful connections with one another. Here are just a few reflections I would like to share;
Unity in uniqueness: In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, the apostle Paul beautifully illustrates the concept of the church as the body of Christ. Just as a body has many parts, each with its unique function, so does the Kingdom of God. It consists of people with diverse and different talents, backgrounds, and perspectives. Yet, despite these differences, we are called to unity, understanding that each member is essential for the well-being of the whole. We all want to work together to honour the King and that binds us together outside of any one individual.
Encouraging Each Other: Hebrews 10:24-25 urges us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” Here, we see the significance of regular fellowship, and gathering as a group of believers in community. Through our interactions, we have the opportunity to uplift and inspire one another, providing support in times of need, celebrating each other’s victories and sharing in each other’s sadness.
Bearing One Another’s Burdens: Galatians 6:2 reminds us to “carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfil the law of Christ.” As members of a community, we are called to share in each other’s joys and sorrows, offering a helping hand to those in need. At Casino Christian School, we believe this to be so important and is one of the key things that highlights the importance of empathy and compassion within our relationships. We want to be demonstrating Christ’s love through our actions towards one another.
Prayer and Fellowship: Acts 2:42 emphasizes the early church’s commitment to “the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Prayer plays a central role in nurturing community, serving as a powerful means of connection with both God and one another. Through shared prayer and fellowship, we deepen our bonds as a community, seeking God’s guidance and support together. As a staff, we meet daily to pray specifically for our community, families, students and staff. If you would like us to pray for something specific for you, your family or someone else, please reach out!
But the greatest of these is love… Finally, John 13:34-35 encapsulates the essence of the Christian community, as Jesus commands his disciples to “love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” Love lies at the heart of authentic community, serving as the foundation upon which all relationships are built. When we embody Christ’s unconditional love in our interactions with others, we reflect His light to the world. He loves us without a set of conditions or religious rules, and this overwhelms us with gratitude, and this overflows onto others around us. We follow and obey our Father because of deep gratitude and not fear of judgment. This is a key understanding.
Do we always get it right as individuals, a school, a community or a district? No! But I can’t help but feel the growing sense of community in this place and I’m grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ who is empowering this both in our school and our wider community.
May we always be inspired to cultivate vibrant, Christ-centred communities wherever we are bearing witness to the transforming power of Christ in our community, in our lives, and in the world around us.
Mrs Faith Hull