Thrive Newsletter Term 2 Week 8

Published: 21/06/2024

High School Assembly 2


This week was a hive of excitement and energy at CCS with our Athletics Carnival spread over two days!  It was pleasing to see so many participate in as many events as they could no matter their ability.  Well done everyone!  Thank you to Mr McPherson for his incredible organisation with both carnivals, it is a mammoth task!

Zone Carnival is on Wednesday 7th August in Coffs Harbour. Please See important information in the Sports News section about this.



The final scores were
1st Place: Liddell: 954 points
2nd Place: Taylor: 896 points
3rd Place: Elliot: 819 points


Athletics Carnival Records
Several students in Primary and Secondary broke school records:

Madison Steele (Year 11)
– 100m (17 years girls)
– Long Jump (17 years girls)

Holly Bailey (Year 7)
– Discus (12 years girls)

Angus Gibson (Year 11)
– 400mt (17 years boys)

Isaac Coulter (Year 10)

– 400mt (15 years boys)

Bridie Chaffey:
– 400m (16 years girls)
– 800m (16 years girls)


Tessa Ranger (Year 2)
– 100m (8 years girls)

Here are our Casino Christian School Athletics Age Champions for 2023:

Junior Primary Girl: Victoria Kemsley
Junior Primary Boy: Ace Williams
Senior Primary Girl: Bella Mines-Salvat
Senior Primary Boy: Aidan Cowan

Junior Secondary Girl: Makayla Kemsley
Junior Secondary Boy: Noah Blunt
Intermediate Secondary Girl: Jaime McCabe
Intermediate Secondary Boy: Jackson Williams
Senior Secondary Girl: Madison Steele
Senior Secondary Boy: Angus Gibson

To view the highlight videos from both the Primary and Secondary Carnivals check out the links below.

Primary Athletics Carnival

High School Athletics Carnival



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 School Updates 

What’s Christianity All About?   You’re invited to find out!

Here at Casino Christian School we believe that knowing God and living faithfully for him is the most important thing that any person can do in life. We believe that knowing God and living for him actually makes us the best version of ourselves in every part of life – as mums and dads, grandparents, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, in our work or study, in our play…… in fact, in everything!!

But you may not have had very much opportunity to explore the things of God and to really figure out what this Christianity stuff is all about. In fact, maybe becoming part of the Casino Christian School community is the closest you’ve ever come to God, and you’re now interested to know a little bit more.

Well, good news!   We’ve decided to run a short, introductory, low-key explanation of what Christianity is all about.  It’ll be run by our Chaplain, Darryl Spriggs, who teaches our students every day about God and whose greatest passion in life is helping others know God.

This short evening will begin at 6:30pm and the presentation (including ample time for you to ask your burning questions in an open Q&A with both Darryl and our Principal Faith Hull) will finish by 7:30pm. At 7:30pm a yummy supper will be served for any who would like to stay and chat further. We will be all wrapped up by 8:30pm.  Just come to the front office when you arrive and we’ll direct you where to go from there.

This is an open invitation and you don’t need to RSVP in order to come, but it would be really helpful for us for catering and childminding purposes if you could. If you’re not sure if you can make it until that very evening, please still come – we’ll be ordering extra just in case!
There will be creche/childminding available from 6:30 – 8:30pm. We’ll probably put on a movie (like Shrek or Frozen) and play some games while we have our ‘adult time’.

If you’d love to come and are able to RSVP, then please register your interest using this online form:   What’s Christianity All About? – Registration

Family Database Check 

Our Administration team have sent home an orange form with your child today, they will look like the example below.  If you have more than one child this will be sent home with the youngest child in the family.

Please check over the details on the orange form and make sure they are all correct and fill out any blank information that we don’t have or may need to update.  It is important we have current details for your family so we can communicate effectively with you. 

Please return your signed forms to the office by the 3rd July even if there are no changes to be made.

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CCS Bus Forms

There are still a few families who have not yet returned bus forms for our CCS Bus travel.  If your child came home with a pink, yellow or purple form in the last couple of weeks please sign and return to the office as soon as possible.  These forms ensure your childs travel on these busses and are essential for our school’s insurance. 

School Photo Day

Today School Photo Order Forms will be coming home with your child. Please return these to the office by Friday the 28th of June. Ordering is easy, simply go to the website  and use your child’s unique code to place your order. 

If you wish to have your children photographed together, please ask for a Siblings Only Order form at the front office and add your order to your child’s online order.

Photo Day is Tuesday 2nd July, please ensure all students are in the formal summer uniform, jumpers, track pants and tights should not be worn but may be brought to school to put on afterwards. 

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Academic  Competitions: ICAS 2024

To register click on the link below and use School Code: FKN194

ICAS Assessment Form 2024 Note for Newsletter

Lunchtime Groups

We have lots of lunchtime groups happening at CCS!  One of our new activities we have happening on Wednesdays Week A is a Knitting/Sewing and Craft Group!  Students will bring their own project to work on with Mrs Stapleton who has kindly volunteered her time. This group is your Year 6 and up and will be held in the Library at lunchtime.

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Lion King Musical – Choir 

Our musical production of The Lion King is well underway!  Mrs Coulter & Mrs Watson are putting together a choir to support our lead roles in some of the songs that require extra voices.  If you are a High School Student, Upper Primary Student or Parent or Grandparent we invite you to come and be part of this production. 

Practice will be held in the MPC Lunchtime (1.00-1.40 pm) on Thursdays. 

If you are a parent or grandparent wanting to join us please complete the Volunteer Agreement here  School Volunteer Agreement March 24 including a Working With Children Check number.  If you don’t have a WWCC you can easily apply for one for free as a volunteer by clicking on this link 

For more information or if you have any questions please contact Mrs Coulter or Mrs Watson

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Illness & School

At this time of year, we always experience a lot of illness as a school community. It seems this year there are some significant illnesses in our community such as Mycoplasma Pneumonia (high temps, persistent cough, contagious, and usually requires antibiotics), RSV Virus (cold-like symptoms but particularly dangerous for infants), Influenza A, Whooping Cough (particularly dangerous for infants) and of course COVID.
With any of these illnesses, please keep your child at home if they are unwell with temperature or significant symptoms to help reduce the spread of these infections to both staff and students.
Persistent coughs will continue with many of these illnesses but they are usually not symptomatic afterwards or after treatment so they are welcome to return when they feel well enough. There are no restriction periods for COVID but we encourage common sense when making decisions about sending students to school.
Be assured, we will contact you if your child is too unwell to be at school.
For more information please refer to our “Sickness policy” in our Parent Handbook.   

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The canteen is now trialling an Eftpos facility.  Eftpos will be available to High School students only at this stage.  

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Camp Payments

SNOW CAMP – STAGE 4 (YEAR 9 & 10) 18th to 22nd August

If you have opted for the instalment plan the due dates are below. 

Instalment plan payments due:

  • 12th April  $400
  • 31st May  $400
  • 5th July  $500






Courage Quest Plus – An intervention for children with anxiety

Courage Quest Plus – a clinical trial evaluating the best way to provide digital support for children aged 8-12 with anxiety.

In Australia, 1 in 14 children experience anxiety that interferes with their daily lives, yet only 19% receive appropriate care and support. To address an under-resourced system with increasingly long waitlists, we have developed a digital program called Courage Quest to help children with anxiety. Through the Courage Quest program, parents or caregivers and their children learn evidence-based tools used in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT), including graded exposure techniques.

Now, we want to conduct a clinical trial to investigate what extra features would create the best version of the Courage Quest program for children with anxiety, called Courage Quest Plus.

We need your help with testing these features in the Courage Quest Plus digital program so we know how we can best provide accessible and evidence-based support to Australian children.

Who can participate?

We’re looking for children and their parents or caregivers to participate. This study is likely to be the right fit for your child if they:

  • Are 8-12 years of age
  • Experience anxiety that interferes with their daily life (they do not need to have been formally diagnosed)
  • Are able to answer questions independently or with assistance if needed

What’s involved?

We are aiming to test five different extra features to the original Courage Quest program. If you choose to participate, you and your child will complete the Courage Quest Plus intervention and be randomly allocated to a condition that includes up to five of these extra features.

  • Depending on what features you are randomly allocated to, the intervention will require a minimum of 20 minutes per week for approximately 10-13 weeks, but we recommend that the more time you engage with the program, the more benefits you will likely see. Regardless of which condition you’ve been allocated to, you will receive three phone calls with a therapist to provide support during the program.

In addition to the program mentioned above you will be invited to complete the following:

  • Screening questionnaires (approximately 10 minutes), consent forms, and an online clinical questionnaire (approximately 1 hour)
  • Questionnaires on three occasions (approximately 10-20 minutes each)

For more information go to the Black Dog Institute


Courage Quest Plus – An intervention for children with

Secondary News

Distance Education Awards

Congratulations to Bridie Zeiler who received two Academic Awards for showing great effort and results in her Maths Extension Assessment Task. 

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Mental Health First Aid

Year 10 are currently completing a series of sessions in Mental Health First Aid over the next few weeks.   Mental Health First Aid trains the students how to identify when their friends are struggling and how to support them if they are getting towards a crisis point. 


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Child Studies 

During the term in Child Studies, students have been learning about the stages of pregnancy and labour.

While exploring the different developmental stages of a foetus in the womb students created models using plasticine.

We also learnt how the cervix works by replicating contractions using a balloon and ping pong balloons.

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Photography Studies

Photography elective students have been experimenting with special effects, capturing some interesting shots!

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Sports News

Zone Athletics Carnival Coffs Harbour – 7th August 

If your child was selected for Zone Athletics, they will have been given a note to bring home.  The carnival is in Coffs Harbour at the CEX International Stadium on Wednesday the 7th of August.  The cost is $55 for the bus and carnival fee. If you travel by private transport they will still need to pay the full amount, however, if we have enough students to cover the bus costs than we can reduce the cost for students travelling by car.

Notes need to be returned to the office no later than next Tuesday 25th June if they wish to attend. There will be no entries after this date.

Please refer to the note attached for more information.

1 Zone Athletics Permission Note

CSSA State Gymnastics

Congratulations to Makayla Kemsley and Elly Huntley who competed at the CSSA State Gymnastics in on Tuesday 11th June.  They both performed very well with Makayla receiving 1st on Bars & Floor, and 3rd Vault with Second Place overall.  Elly came 4th Vault.  Well, Done Girls!!

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Uniform Shop

All uniform orders must be paid at the time of purchase either in person or over the phone, we are no longer able charge uniforms on family accounts.  We appreciate your understanding.

Uniform shop hours are:

Mondays 8-11

Wednesdays 1-4

Uniform orders can be made at any time via the School Stream app or by filling out the uniform order form and returning it to school.

Uniform Order Form June 2024

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Upcoming School Events

Term 2

Week 5 (A) 27th to 31st May

  • Wednesday  29th  – P&F Meeting 6 pm
  • Thursday 30th – Open Afternoon 3.30 – 6 pm
  • Friday 31st – Primary Assembly 9am
  • Friday 31st – State Cross Country Sydney

Week 6 (B) 3rd to 7th June

  • Tuesday 4th – Year 7 Vaccinations
  • Thursday 6th – Stage 2 (3&4) Camp Out

    Week 7 (A) 10th to 14th June

    • Monday 10th – Public Holiday – No School
    • Tuesday 11th – CSSA Secondary State Gymnastics Sydney
    • Thursday 13th – High School Assembly 11 am
    • Friday 14th – Primary Assembly 9 am

    Week 8 (B) 17th to 21st June

    • Tuesday 18th – CCS Secondary Athletics Carnival
    • Wednesday 19th – CCS Primary Athletics Carnival

    Week 9 (A) 24th – 28th June

    • Wednesday 26th – P&F Meeting 6 pm
    • Friday 28th – Primary Assembly 9am
    • Friday 28th – School Photo Order Forms Due Back

    Week 10 (B) 1st – 5th July

    • Tuesday 2nd – School Photo Day
    • Wednesday 3rd – Staff v Students Netball – At lunch
    • Thursday 4th – Kindergarten 100 Days of School
    • Friday 5th  – NAIDOC Assembly

    School Holidays 8th to 19th July

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    Term 3

    Week 1 (A)  22nd – 26th July

    • Monday 22nd – Pupil Free Day 

    Week 2 (B) 29th July – 2nd August

    • Wednesday 31st July – P&F Meeting 6 pm
    • Friday 2nd August – Primary Assembly – 9 am

    Week 3 (A) 5th – 9th August

    • HSC Trial Exams 5th-16th
    • Book Fair 5th-8th 
    • Wednesday 7th – Zone Athletics – Coffs Harbour
    • Thursday 8th – Parent Teacher Interviews
    • Friday 9th – Zone Basketball – Port Macquarie

    Week 4 (B) 12th – 16th August

    • Book Week – 12th-15th
    • HSC Trial Exams 5th-16th
    • Wednesday 14th – Book Week Dress Up Day
    • Wednesday 14th – Grandparents Day
    • Friday 16th – Primary Assembly – 9 am

    Week 5 (A) 19th – 23rd August

    • Stage 5 (9 & 10) Snow Camp 18th-22nd 
    • Friday 23rd – Primary State Athletics – Sydney

    Week 6 (B) 26th – 30th August

    • Tuesday 27th – Year 7 & 10 Vaccination Catch Up’s
    • Wednesday 28th – P&F Meeting 6 pm
    • Thursday 29th – Fathers Day Celebration
    • Thursday 29th – Secondary State Athletics – Sydney
    • Friday 30th- Primary Assembly 9 am

    Week 7 (A) 2nd – 6th September

    • Hospitality Work Placement 2nd-6th

    Week 8 (B) 9th – 13th September

    • Friday 13th Zone Netball & League – Ballina

    Week 9 (A) 16th – 20th September

    • Kinder to Year 3 Swimming – GSAC
    • Year 10 Work Experience 16th – 20th
    • Stage 3 (5&6) Camp Lennox Head 18th – 20th

    Week 10 (B) 23rd – 27th September

    • Friday 27th – Last Day Term 3
    • Friday 27th – Year 12 Graduation Assembly
    • Friday 27th – End of Term Assembly – Whole School

     School Holidays 30th September to 14th October

    Community Events

    Black and Orange Modern Big Match Basketball Your Story

                  Casino I AM A girl Come ‘N Try    CASINO Our Mob Our Game Come ‘N Try                                     


          Kyogle Gateway T2   

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