Thrive Newsletter Term 3 Week 10

Published: 27/09/2024

      Principals Address 2

Farewell Year 12

Today, we gathered to celebrate a significant milestone in the lives of our Year 12 students – graduation from high school.  13 years of school has undoubtedly come with many highs, some lows and hopefully a lot of laughs.

As Year 12 prepare to embark on exciting new adventures and plan to go out and make their mark on the world, we encourage them to carry the values that have been instilled during their time here: compassion, integrity, respect and responsibility. These are not just rules or ideals but practical ways to live out a life that honours Christ, builds community and grows you in grace and knowledge.

Remember the love of Jesus as you face new challenges and opportunities. He said in Matthew 5:14, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” As you go forth, let your light shine brightly. Be a beacon of hope and a source of encouragement to those around you. Your actions and words have the power to make a difference in the world or to be the difference in one person’s world.
Be both, and make the world slightly better as you pass through it.

Year 12, as you transition from this chapter to the next, whether it be further education, entering the workforce, or exploring new opportunities, know that you are equipped with the knowledge, faith, and resilience to succeed. The road ahead may not always be smooth but trust that God has a plan for each of you, and He will guide you through every twist and turn.

I also want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to your families and our dedicated staff. Their support, guidance, and love have been instrumental in helping you reach this point. To the teachers who have poured their wisdom into you, and to your parents who have supported you through every step—thank you. Can we all stand for a moment and show our gratitude to the mums and dads who made the sandwiches washed the uniforms, shared the tears and heartaches and were the champions behind the scenes.

Graduates, as you leave here today, embrace the future with hope and confidence. Know that you have a community that believes in you, prays for you, and celebrates
your achievements. We are excited to see where God will lead you and how you will impact the world with your gifts. Come and see us from time to time. It fills our hearts when we hear from you. Don’t forget us too quickly!

Lastly I leave you with this blessing, Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.


Mrs Faith Hull 




Year 12 Graduation Assembly


Year 12, may you continue to” Grow in grace and knowledge” 1 Peter 3:18
Thank you to our Mayor Mr Robert Mustow and Mr Peter Robinson a long standing member of Casino Christian School for coming to present our students with Academic and Special Awards.   Thank you to everyone involved in making today a special occasion for our Graduates, including Kindergarten for presenting portraits of year 12.
Thank you to Mrs Brayant and the Year 11 Hospitality Students for catering the incredible luncheon, it was outstanding. 


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 School News 

Happy Holidays

As Term 3 comes to an end we wish all the students a happy and safe holiday.  We look forward to seeing everyone back for Term 4 on Tuesday the 17th of October. 


A message from Mrs Josephine Lake

Because Term 4 comes and goes like a freight train, I wanted to share some news now as I prepare for what comes next. It is with a mixed bag of emotions that I’d like to share that I will not be returning to CCS in 2025. 

My role at CCS has been an absolute gift and privilege to fulfil – working with children and young people is an opportunity not to be taken for granted.
I have grown and developed both personally and professionally at CCS and will remain forever grateful for the season God has so graciously provided for me here. Together as a school community, we have navigated the effects of droughts, catastrophic fires and floods, the insanity of COVID and devastating community trauma, grief and loss; we have done well by the grace and mercy of God.
I will especially miss the students and all of the wonderful ways in which they taught me and helped me grow in wisdom and compassion. I look forward to seeing them when I am in the school community as a parent and supporting the school as such. I would also like to thank all of the parents and caregivers who so kindly entrusted me with the care of their children and young people. I am blessed to have been so well supported in my work by such wonderful families.
With much gratitude and love in Christ,
Mrs Josephine Lake
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Term 4 Lunch & After School Groups

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Lion King jnr Musical

Our students have been working hard rehursing for the Lion King Jnr Musical!!  Performance dates are Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th November.  Tickets will go on sale at the start of Term 4.

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Primary News


Important Updates

We are nearly at the end of Term 3 and what a great term it’s been! We’ve had book week, grandparent’s day, transition-to-school students, Father’s Day, the Spring Social, junior swimming, Stage 3 camp… plus all the fun learning activities in the classroom.

With the term winding up here’s a few reminders about next term. Term 4 begins Tuesday 15th October and here are some of the highlights:

  • Years 4-6 Swimming Program  –  Week 2-3
  • 5th-6th  November – MUSICAL Performances – Week 4
  • Friday 22nd November – Move Up Day –  Week 6
  • Thursday, 5th December –  Primary Celebration Evening 6-8pm – Week 8
  • Wednesday 11th December – Last Day of Term – Week 9


Musical Information

All primary students have been working hard to learn songs and dances for our performance of The Lion King Jnr. This has been a key part of the students’ Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) learning this year. It is expected that all students attend and participate in the two performance nights.

The performances are on Tuesday and Wednesday 5-6th November. The show starts at 6pm and runs for about 1 hour. Students will be required to come to school at around 5:15pm. More information to come.

If your child is not able to attend and participate on the night, please email me asap as we need to finalise the routines and costumes.

Regarding costumes, most aspects of the costumes are being made by students at school. Primary students will need to wear:


Kindy, Yr 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 –  fully black pants/skirts/tights (shorts or long pants.. long is preferable)

Year 3  Brown, tan, sandy, olive/dark green, or black (single colour) long pants, shorts or skirts.


Tickets will go on sale at the beginning of Term 4. Information about purchasing will be released shortly.


We hope that you have a very happy and safe holiday and enjoy the warmer weather.

Mrs Coulter and CCS Primary Team


Mini Railway Excursion K-2

On Thursday the 26th of September Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 went on an excursion to the Casino Mini Railway and Museum.  It was a fun filled day with the students learning about our town and enjoying the a ride on the Mini Train.

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Stage 3 Camp Drewe Highlights

Year 5 and 6 attended Camp Drewe in Lennox Head last week where they enjoyed three days of activities; including, archery, stand up paddle boarding, beach walks and games!  Lots of fun was had by all.

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Secondary News

Important Updates

As we wind down to the end of Term 3, there are some important updates for Term 4.

 Class Updates

In Term 4 there will be some changes for some classes regarding their teachers. 


In English

As Mrs Jackson steps into her role as Secondary Learning Support Coordinator more fully, she will be stepping back from some of her teaching responsibilities. There are also a few other shuffles due to the changes for our senior students. In Term 4: 

Year 8A – will be taught by Mrs Boland 

Year 9B – will be taught by Mr Juozapaitis 

Year 10-2 – will be taught by Mr Juozapaitis


In Science:

In Term 4, Mrs Holliday will be focussing on our musical production – The Lion King Jr and so Mr Boland will be teaching both Year 7 classes.

Information for Year 10

For the beginning of Term 4, Year 10 students will continue with their usual timetable and subjects, including electives. This will be the case for Weeks 1-5.

In Week 6, Year 10 students commence their Year 11 studies of their two elective Senior Subjects. They continue their Yr 10 studies of Maths and English only.

CCS will be performing The Lion King Jr on 5-6th November. Tickets will go on sale at the start of Term 4. More information to come, but make sure to save the date.
Have a happy and safe holiday. Looking forward to commencing the final term for 2024 and enjoying many of the positive experiences and learning opportunities to come.
CCS Secondary Team

Year 7 Orientation Days

Year 7 1

SES Graduation Evening

Congratulations to Dylan Markeljc-Brown, Daisy Oosterbeek and Olivia Doherty who completed the 10 week SES Youth Intensive Program. The SES were thankful to CCS in supporting the students in this program.

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Year 11 English Studies

This Term we have been looking at community groups that help families and provide support. As a result, we went to Christian Life Church Kyogle to interview the Pastor and their Donation Space Coordinator about the ways that they support families. The students did a great job of coming up with interesting questions and then emailing them through to the church ahead of time.

Once we were at the Church we helped cook Spaghetti Bolognese. The students, alongside Ms Nott and Grace (Donation Space Coordinator) cooked and packed 55 meals ready to go into the freezer for those in need.

The students helped make the food and they got herbs from the Community Garden right next door to the church and even met a pet duck there – Luna.

I was really proud of the students and how they conducted themselves, got involved, were interested in the church and the community and were great ambassadors of our school today. Ms Nott

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Zone Netball 

On Friday the 13th of September we had 3 teams attend Ballina to participate in Zone Netball. Teams played in a round-robin tournament where each team played about five to six games.

All teams played well, demonstrating great sportsmanship and teamwork with pleasing results. Placing Primary 4th, U15A -5th, U15B-6th and Opens-3rd.

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Zone Rugby League  

On Friday the 13th we had two teams, Under 14 and Under 16 attend Ballina for the Zone Rugby League Competition in Ballina. It was a great day aimed at trying to grow rugby league in our area. 

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Rugby Titans 9’s Competition 

Our students represented Casino on Tuesday the 17th in Ballina at the Rugby League Nines Competition.  They played well with some pleasing results.  We took 3 teams to participate in this event a 14-years and under team, a boys and a girls 16-years and under team.  

Some of our students were also featured on the News.

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Zone Futsal – Coffs Harbour

On Thursday the 24th October we will be sending 5 teams to participate in this event. Teams will play a pool or round robin tournament which will see each team play about four games. This event will be held at Sportz Central Indoor Stadium, Coffs Harbour (Secondary teams) & Wiigulga Sports Complex, Woolgoolga (Primary teams).

If your child has been selected they will have been given a note.  These notes must be returned to the School Office no later than the 17th of October with payment of $60.





Uniform Shop


All uniform orders must be paid at the time of purchase either in person or over the phone, we are no longer able to charge uniforms on family accounts.  We appreciate your understanding.

Uniform shop hours are:

Mondays 8-11 (Except Monday the 14th of October)

Wednesdays 1-4

Uniform Shop will be open Tuesday the 15th October (first day of Term 4) between 8.30-11 am 

Uniform orders can be made at any time via the School Stream App or by filling out the uniform order form in the link below and returning it to school in person or by email to

CCS Uniform Order June 2024

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Term 4 Events

 Week 1 (A) ~ 14th-18th October

HSC Exams –  All Week


~ Staff Development Day


~ Students return to school


Week 2 (B) ~ 21st -25th October

All Week – HSC Exams

Monday to Wednesday – Year 4-6 Swimming Intensive – Casino Pool 


~ Zone Futsal (Primary & Secondary) – Coffs Harbour


~ Primary Assembly – 9 am

Week 3 (A) ~ 28th – 1st November

All Week – HSC Exams

Monday & Tuesday – Year 4-6 Swimming Intensive – Casino Pool


~ P&F Meeting – 6 pm


~ Lion King Musical Practice – All day

Week 4 (B) ~ 4th – 8th November

All Week – HSC Exams


~ Lion King Musical practice – All day


~ Lion King Musical Performance 6-8 pm


~ Lion King Musical Performance 6-8 pm


~ Year 7 Oriantation Day

~ Primary Assembly – 9 am


Week 5 (A) ~ 11th – 15th November

All Week – Stage 4 & 5 Yearly Exams

All Week – Book Fair


~ Remembrance Day


~ Year 12 Formal – Steak Barn 6-9 pm


Week 6 (B) ~ 18th – 22nd November


~ Maths Show – Year 7 – 11.10-1pm


~ K-12 Move Up Day 

~ Primary Assembly

Week 7 (A) ~ 25th – 29th November

Last week of Transition to School


~  P&F Meeting – 6 pm


Week 8 (B) ~ 2nd to 6th  December 


~ Year 6 Graduation Dinner 5.30-6.30 pm 


~ 3×3 Basketball – Casino


~ Primary End of Year Celebration 6-8pm

Week 9 (A) ~ 9th to 13th December


~ High School Celebration Assembly – 11.10 am 


~ Primary Year 6 Graduation Assembly – 11.10 am


~ Last day of Term 4

School Returns – Monday 3rd February 2025

Community Events



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