Uniform Changes for 2024

Published: 06/12/2023

Uniform Changes for 2024

In 2024, we will be moving to having one single colour and style of sock across the entire school by the end of new year. All students from K – 12 will be able to wear white sports socks from Term 2. From Term 2, Primary students can wear white sports socks or the blue socks that are currently available at the Uniform Shop. High School Students can wear navy or all-white sports socks from the commencement of Term 2 2024 also. Please note: White socks must be above the ankle, all white and will only be allowed from Term 2.

Secondly, all students can wear all white or all black or a mixture of white and black shoes as long as they have leather/synthetic uppers. This is a safety issue and students will not be allowed to participate in practical subjects in shoes that are not leather/synthetic leather. If they require a speciality running shoe for sporting activities, they are welcome to bring those to change in and out of for their sport lessons. They may keep these in their lockers as well.

We also want to encourage all parents that all skirts, shorts and coullotte lengths for female students need to be approximately one hand width from the knee. We recognise that some students have made them significantly shorter, and encourage any new items to not be altered with this key understanding in mind.

We hope this will make outfitting our students easier in 2024 for parents and allow more freedom of choice for parents in purchasing items for school as we move towards a new uniform in the coming years. The planning process for this is underway with the our new logo currently in the design phase!

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