Thrive Newsletter Term 3 Week 4
Understanding and Challenging the Anxiety Cycle
As part of our commitment to our students and their wellbeing, some of our staff have been attending training around mental health, anxiety and trauma informed practice over the last couple of weeks.
As always, our school seeks to provide excellent, evidence-based education within a biblical worldview that honours Christ, builds community and helps our students grow in grace and knowledge. We seek to show the love, care and empathy of Jesus to those who are struggling both physically, spiritually and mentally. In essence, we want to educate and care for the whole child, which of course includes their mental health.
Mental health, and specifically anxiety disorders affect millions of people in Australia. In fact, statistics from the Black Dog Institute shows that at least 1 in 5 students aged 5 – 14 years old experience mental health challenges, with only 50% engaging in supports. Only 20% of the 50% received evidence-based support and only 10% of those have positive outcomes. Interestingly, 50% of all disorders have onset before the age of 14 years old. Early intervention seems to be the key to supporting students to ensure better mental health outcomes for all teens and adults.
In our children and teens, the main mental health concern for younger students is actually anxiety related disorders. As such, we believe an understanding of what anxiety is, the Anxiety Cycle, and how to support students to challenge their fears, is empowering knowledge for all to understand, and implement. We seek to support students to become resilient, hopeful and mentally healthy individuals.
It’s important to note that anxiety in and of itself is not necessarily a negative emotion. It can be anticipation, nervousness about the unknown or simply excitement. Think about your wedding, or a running race, or sporting events such as the Olympics. Anxiety is a natural response to stress or physical adrenalin, but can become unhealthy when it starts to constantly manifest as feelings of worry, fear, or apprehension. It can become a disorder when it’s persistent, overwhelming, and/or interferes with daily life. This should be viewed across a continuum, rather than a fixed position. Also, anxiety (and many mental health concerns) can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events.
When anxiety becomes moderate to severe and is impacting on everyday living, often a cycle of avoidance occurs, which unfortunately only prolongs and reinforces the anxiety or fear. I have included a short video here from the AISNSW and an image here for information.
We were challenged when on training to consider the ways we sometimes as parents and as educators prolong this cycle, even with the most empathetic or best of intentions, and were encouraged to begin to scaffold and support our students to better challenge those unhealthy and anxious fears and thoughts for better longer term positive outcomes. The diagram below quite simply points out three keys things we can do moving forward.
Firstly, as adults we tend to rush in to support our children by wanting to solve the problem, or be constantly reassuring them; however, research shows inquiring, listening and seeking to understand the core perceived threat will better equip the student towards better outcomes.
Secondly, giving students the skills to build tolerance towards the physical symptoms of anxiety helps them break this cycle of unfortunate prolonged reinforcement.
Lastly, instead of avoiding the perceived threat/situation etc, through scaffolded smaller (or bigger) steps can produce longer lasting positive change.
You can also check out the second video from the AISNSW here.
Overall, understanding and challenging anxiety is a journey that involves both knowledge and action. By recognising the nature of anxiety and implementing strategies to address it, we can start to support our children and students lead a more fulfilling life.
Remember, it’s okay to seek help (whether young or old), and taking small steps can make a significant difference. Mental health concerns affect all members of society, but we know that connecting with others can be a powerful way to manage anxiety. If you or your child are struggling, please consider sharing your feelings with us, or with trusted friends or family members, join support groups, or seek professional counselling.
Lastly, remember we have a loving Father who is sovereign in all things and who cares for you in your joy and in your sorrow. He is always there and expressed his commitment to caring for you by dying on a cross and bearing human suffering. Be brave enough to, “Cast all your cares on Him, for he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5 : 6-7 & Psalm 55:22
Mrs Faith Hull
School Updates
School Apps
Some families may remember or may still have our ‘Old Casino Chritian School App‘ pictured below. This was our original School App, however we have now decomissioned this app and are now only using the School Stream App for communications.
We ask any family who may have the ‘Old/original’ school App to please log out and delete this App from their device.
If you do not currently have the School Stream App we strongly encourage you to download this App and follow the prompts to sign up.
Kindergarten 2025!
We have now completed our first round of 2025 Kindergarten offers. We would like to invite families who may have missed this first round of offers but would like to look at enroling their child for Kindergarten in 2025. If you would like more information please contact the office by phoning 6662 5599 as soon as possible to secure an interview with our Principal Faith Hull and visit our website to complete an enrolment application.
2025 Kindergarten students gain access to our free Transition to School Program that starts in Term 3 this year. If you would like to learn more about our Transition to School program visit
Camp Payments
Stage 3 Camp (Year 5 & 6) Camp Drewe Lennox Head : 18th – 20th September
Deposit: Friday 2nd August – $100
Second Payment: Friday 23rd August – $110
Third Payment: Friday 6th September – $110
Along with the signed permission letter we also need parents to go to the Burleigh CYC registration link below to register their child for Camp Drewe
Lion King Musical – Save the date!!
Primary News
Book Week & Grandparents Day
Primary had a wonderful day on Tuesday celebrating Book Week! We applaud our students and their parents for their effort in putting some incredible costumes together!
Thank you to the Grandparents who came to visit, we loved having you here and we were overwhelmed by your positive feedback about the day.
Secondary News
Carreers Excursion!
Mrs Bryant took students to explore their future options at the Health Parthways Careers Day at SCU last term. This showcased the collaboration between SCU and TAFE
Casino Youth Hub Excursion
Students went to the CasinoYouth Hub walk through today. CCS students were invited to come and give suggestions on what youth wanted in that space. Mrs Nott said she was really prod of our students and the suggestions they had, the way they conducted themselves and their willingness to be part of this community program.
Zone Athletics Carnival Results!
The following students have been selected to compete at the State Athletics Carnivals in Sydney.
Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre (SOPAC) – Homebush Bay
Rugby League – Tackle Football
Rugby League tackle training has begun on Fridays and some other times during Term 3 & 4! All Secondary students who have signed up for training an playing in competitions must come to training with the correct equipment. Students will not be able to train or play in games unless they bring the following each time:
- Mouth gard
- Spare clothes
- Appropriate footware or footy boots.
Uniform Shop
All uniform orders must be paid at the time of purchase either in person or over the phone, we are no longer able to charge uniforms on family accounts. We appreciate your understanding.
Uniform shop hours are:
Mondays 8-11
Wednesdays 1-4
Uniform orders can be made at any time via the School Stream app or by filling out the uniform order form and returning it to school.
Upcoming School Events
School Holidays 8th to 19th July
Term 3
Week 1 (A) 22nd – 26th July
- Monday 22nd – Pupil Free Day
- Tuesday 23rd – First Day Back – All School
Week 2 (B) 29th July – 2nd August
- Wednesday 31st July – P&F Meeting 6 pm
- Friday 2nd August – Primary Assembly – 9 am
Week 3 (A) 5th – 9th August
- Book Fair 5th-8th
- Wednesday 7th – Zone Athletics – Coffs Harbour
- Thursday 8th – Parent Teacher Interviews
- Friday 9th – Zone Basketball – Port Macquarie
Week 4 (B) 12th – 16th August
- Book Week – 12th-15th
- Monday 12th – Senior Year 11 & 12 Information Night – 6 pm
- Tuesday 13th – Book Week Dress Up Day
- Tuesday 13th – Grandparents Day
- Thursday 15th – PASS & SLR Games Night 3.30-8.30
- Friday 16th – Primary Assembly – 9 am
- Friday 16th – Bullying Awareness Dress up Day (Wear Purple)
Week 5 (A) 19th – 23rd August
- Stage 5 (9 & 10) Snow Camp 18th-22nd
- Friday 23rd – Primary State Athletics – Sydney
Week 6 (B) 26th – 30th August
- Tuesday 27th – Year 7 & 10 Vaccination Catch Up’s
- Wednesday 28th – P&F Meeting 6 pm
- Thursday 29th – Fathers Day Breakfast 7.30-8.30am
- Thursday 29th – Secondary State Athletics – Sydney
- Friday 30th- Primary Assembly 9 am
- HSC Trial Examinations 26th to 30th
Week 7 (A) 2nd – 6th September
- Hospitality Work Placement 2nd-6th
- Thursday 5th – Primary Spring Social 5-7pm
Week 8 (B) 9th – 13th September
- Friday 13th Zone Netball & League – Ballina
Week 9 (A) 16th – 20th September
- Kinder to Year 3 Swimming – GSAC
- Stage 3 (5&6) Camp Lennox Head 18th – 20th
Week 10 (B) 23rd – 27th September
- Year 10 Work Experience 23rd to 27th
- Friday 27th – Last Day Term 3
- Friday 27th – Year 12 Graduation Assembly 11am
School Holidays 30th September to 14th October
Term 4
Week 1 (A) 14th to 18th October
- Monday 14th – Pupil Free Day
- Tuesday 15th – Students return to school
- HSC Exams – All week
Week 2 (B) 21st to 25th October
- Year 4-6 Swimming – All week
- HSC Exams – All week
- Friday 25th – Futsal Gala Day
Week 3 (A) 28th October to 1st November
- HSC Exams – All Week
- Year 4 – 6 Swimming ~ Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th
Week 4 (B) 4th to 8th November
- HSC Exams – All Week
- Tuesday 5th – Lion King Musical – 6 pm
- Wednesday 6th – Lion King Musical – 6 pm
- Friday 8th – Year 7 Orientation Day
- Friday 8th – Primary Assembly – 9 am
Week 5 (A) 11th to 15th November
- Wednesday 13th – Year 12 Formal – Clydesdale Casino – 6-9 pm
Week 6 (B) 18th to 22nd November
- Friday 22nd – Move Up Day – K-12
Week 7 (A) 25th to 29th November
- Wednesday 27th – P & F Meeting – 6 pm
Week 8 (B) 2nd to 6th December
Week 9 (A) 9th to 13th December
- Wednesday 11th – Last Day of School
Community Events
Learn what it means to study at Casino Christian School
Casino Christian School
Grow in Grace and Knowledge
93 Manifold Rd, Casino NSW 2470
Postal Address: PO Box 30, Casino NSW 2470
(02) 6662 5599
Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4pm
Acknowledgment of First Peoples: